Tagged: Wargaming

A plan

So let’s get into Warhammer Conquest, more precisely the Space Marines. First decision to make is: which chapter should I go for?

Hobby burn out

I disappeared from the hobby, this website and the accompanying social media pages for quite a while. But now I’m planning a comeback.

A matter of inspiration and time

I’m a really slow painter. But as I wanted to take revenge in a WH:U match, I had to be quick. And it worked quite well!

Tempted by a carrying case

Warhammer Underworlds is tempting. But why should I start a new system when I have such a big pile of shame waitung for me?

Failure – a final report

So, how many models did I manage to finish while the “Malathon”? This much can be revealed by now: I didn’t manage to hit my goal of 42.

I’m Alpharius too

Talking about 30k, my feelings will always belong to the XX Legion. No other legion is as enigmatic, unpredictable, so beautiful when everything works Just As Planned.

Here they arrrr…

Finally I finished a project and I did it quite fast – at least for me. Together with my best friend I’m starting to paint miniatures for Freebooter’s Fate.

Goblins approaching

As I’m about to set sails for the unknown seas of Freebooter’s Fate together with a good friend of mine, there is something new on my painting table: greenskins, for the first time.